
Requantrio is an innovative technique that is based in great content that grabs attention. It drives this compelling content to notable figures in a given idustry, that they want to share and write about, and so garners links back to the origin.

Reasons to Use Requantrio?

There are several reasons to use Requantrio: It's new, not every other SEO and their mother are doing it. It gains large amount of links when done properly. these links are from big-names in industry. It generates content that actually benefits, or intrests, the industry it is based in.

What is the History of it?

The history of Requantrio is short and sweet. Fed up with constantly pursuing backlinks from subpar websites and getting nowhere, SEOs wanted to create a new method. One that put useful, entertaining, and interesting information out into the world, as well as drawing attention from big names. These SEOs teamed up to develop just that, and thus this innovative technique was born.

What is the Price of Requantrio?

Requantrio really can be whatever you want it to be---a huge, international campaign that targets huge media outlets, or a local project geared more towards your direct neighbours. And so it is with the price! Whatever your budget, there is a campaign for you. It also depends on how you want the campaign to work. If you have oodles of free time, you can create the campaign yourself. Committing to doing the research, mining the data, writing the content up, and then outreaching that content to journalists and websites can save lots of money. But it does cost plenty of time. Alternatively, you can work with an agency who is already geared up and ready to do that work, and work with the agency to find a fee you're both happy with.

When Does Requantrio Work?

The speed at which Requantrio works can depend on a few factors. You could gain links quickly, or find it takes more time. This is usually down to the amount of work that goes into a campaign. If you have lots of valid data going into an informative and interesting piece, that is highly relevant to the industry, you’re more likely to garner quick links. Articles that are a bit more abstract may be more of a slow burn. As with any SEO strategy, it’s best to give it some time to work. The consensus is that after six months you should have a good idea of whether a strategy is working, or whether to change it up.

Getting Going

Getting going is super easy—just start creating content that is data-driven and interesting. Once that’s done you can start learning the best ways to get this content out there (and start earning those links!). Take things steady, don’t try to rush your results, and you’ll soon be reaping all those sweet benefits. We love hearing about how people get on with this technique, so don’t hesitate to reach out! We’re also happy to help, answer any questions, and provide pointers on getting the best results.